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Alice lives in Colorado with her three fur-babies, Mona, Tisha, and Ellie. She is a punk rock recluse who finds herself in management at local bookstores—specializing in making everything look beautiful. She also enjoys coordinating book clubs and hosting book recommendation events, because she believes there is a book out there for everyone, whether you know it or not. She also loves working with artists of all kinds via conventions like Pop Culture Con in Denver, and at unusual creative events like the Colorado Renaissance Festival in Larkspur.
She has completed and received the International Baccalaureate Diploma, and has since studied creative writing at the University of Colorado Denver, where she also served as an assistant editor on their national literary journal, Copper Nickel. She is an aspiring writer and voracious reader with a passion that's festered for the better part of 25 years. From the time she picked up a pen and learned her first letters, she knew she would be a writer.
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